Infinitely Precious Practice
I am convinced that most of us find it difficult to believe in our own preciousness, let alone the preciousness of everything and everyone. So as I was sitting in meditation today, I wondered if we might benefit from affirming preciousness in practice, using as an outline the personal pronouns. The practice might look something like this:
- Still the mind, body, and emotions with a moment of attentive breathing in and out.
- Repeat each of the following to ourselves with a pause between each. We might use each phrase as an opportunity to visualize who/what to which we are referring in the phrase.
- I am inifintely precious. [pause]
- You are infinitely precious. [pause]
- It/She/He is infinitely precious. [pause]
- They are infinitely precious. [pause]
- You are infinitely precious. [pause]
- We are infinitely precious. [pause]
Perhaps this practice might open a deeper sense of preciousness of self and others.
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